
Reclaim Your Power – Get Unstuck – and Thrive!

Unite the light
Join me to recieve a transmissions of love and light to strengthen the light within you with Love and Abundance.
Integrative Energy Healing Training – Free Introduction
Learn about this powerful new course for up-leveling your energetic healing skills and combining it with the emotional wisdom to heal the judgments causing you to stuff emotions and suppress your needs, dreams and expressing your unique self.
Healing for the Empathic Heart & Sensitive Soul
Experience and learn integrative energy and emotional wisdom applications to calm frazzled nerves, alleviate anxiety, overwhelm and release judgments, stress, and tension. This is combined with aligning with the wisdom of your higher soul to go beyond learning higher awareness to feeling it!
Nurturing & Empowerment Circles for Empathic Hearts & Sensitive Souls
Develop the emotional and energetic habits and skills that are key for integrating and sustaining lasting changes.
Energy Tune-Up: Chakra Attunement, Energy Clearing and Balancing, and Embrace the wisdom of your Higher Soul.
Using color, sound, and alignment with the higher awareness of each chakra to restore balance and improve health and emotional well-being.

Healing Circle and Shamanic Journey
Linda combines the Rainbow Healing Method with her shamanic energy skills to restore balance and grow beyond limits.

Unconditional Confidence & Creation – The Wisdom to Manifest
Own your true, nature, power and partnership with Life. What makes this workshop unique is that it takes you beyond learning abundance consciousness or the Law of Attraction by teaching you to apply ALL the Laws of Creation from a heartfelt awareness of unconditional trust, confidence, power and abundance.

Heal The Judgment Monster
Are you tired of being your own worst critic? Of being told to not judge or worry, or to love and accept yourself, but not how to actually do it? If you’re feeling frustrated and bad that you haven’t been able to to stop feeling negative feelings or judging yourself, your feelings, your body or your life, it’s because you haven’t learned how to do it!