My clients always ask how I learned and developed the work I do, so I thought I’d take the time and share my journey. At least a brief over-view, because the whole story would fill a book!
My first training for being of service to others was in the mid 80’s I attended seminars that taught me foundational patterns of accountability and tools for changing the beliefs producing how I feel and create in the world. In 1986 I felt there was more to learn. This led me to learn spiritual principles of how creation works and my oneness with the Source of all creation. In one class I was asked if I could do anything for a living, what would it be? The answer was I would want to help others as others helped me. So I signed up to become a prayer practitioner in which I learned to guide myself and others to align with and create from an awareness of oneness with the abundant energy of life.
As I kept feeling there was more to learn, I would work with different types of healing methods and went to college to study psychology. Over a span of 8 years I had three car accidents which led me to learn the mind/body holistic healing methods which included energy work, shamanic healing, and many other methods for restoring balance and wholeness.
As I continued my own journey of personal evolution I began to realized that there gaps in the wisdom available. Primarily how to go beyond learning higher awareness, release work, and learn the deeper wisdom for applying what I’d learned. I also came to own my gift for intuitively reading subconscious and life patterns, and to go beyond re-patterning limits to un-conditioning them, and how to apply the integrative emotional wisdom and additional lessons for manifestation that are key for integrating and sustain lasting changes.

This was the beginning of an amazing journey in which I learned from others and the Divine to embrace and live from an awareness of oneness and Partnership with Life.
In 1997 when I started seeing clients I had one of my clients, who was a Reiki master, tell me I was already channeling energy and higher consciousness, and suggested I do a Reiki attunement. I did, and it did! It took everything to another level. As I opened to higher levels of awareness and experienced profound expansions of consciousness (without drugs). I felt my intuition expand, I more easily connected with my higher soul, and felt the energies of life. My ability to read subconscious patterns and access higher consciousness helped me to finally merge together the wisdom I had been seeking. Wisdom for turning mentally believing into heartfelt awareness, and most of all, how to integrate lasting changes so I could sustain the unconditional trust, love, power, and abundance I had opened to.
I was shown by this higher guidance, to develop additional methods of energy work. I’d have people experiencing what I do tell me the names they had for it such as Prahna, healing touch, theta healing, quantum, psychic surgery, etc., and others I had no names for. Mainly I learned to channel whatever my client needed.
The most wonderful skill I Iearned was to be a gatekeeper. I didn’t know the name for it until a shaman experiencing my work asked me how I learned to be a gatekeeper. She said it was a shamanic skill her grandmother had told her about, but had never seen because no one was doing it anymore. When I found people had trouble making the leap from mentally believing to heartfelt awareness, the divine showed me how to take people through a doorway to meet, experience, and embody the peace, support, and wisdom of their higher soul. The part of them that sees our true nature, lives in oneness with God/Source, and how to co-create with the energy of life beyond what we have learned. I see it as a more direct form of soul healing and retrieval that I combine with the Core Belief and Integrative Emotional Wisdom to develop new heartfelt belief patterns.
As I merged my studies in psychology, energy work, NLP, Time Line Therapy, and spiritual training, I developed the wisdom and skills to more fully heal and transform the core beliefs and subconscious conditioning causing and maintaining emotional and physical trauma and limitation. Patterns that often caused imbalances and constricted energy that contributes to many chronic health conditions. A key factor was how to develop new patterns on heartfelt levels that sustained living the higher awareness of those magical ‘ah ha’ moments.
For the last 24 years I’ve been blessed and honored to have a successful practice helping others heal physically, transform emotionally and attain life goals beyond what they believed possible. The good news is that you don’t have to go through all that I did to learn it. That was my path because there weren’t any trainings for the wisdom I was learning. I now share all of this with you.