Healing the Judgment Monster!

How to apply the acceptance that heals ingrained patterns of self-judgment


  Nov.  11, 7-9:30pm
6342 Riverdale St, San Diego, CA 92120.

The Center for Health and Human Potential


    • Learn the 4 types of acceptance that heals judgements causing defensiveness, stuffing of feelings and suppression of self expression
    • Apply acceptance to release
    • Experience Shamanic Soul Connection to feel and develop the unconditional acceptance, confidence and peace of your Higher Soul.
    • How to Un-Condition these patterns and retrain your brain to accept and love yourself more

 Are you tired of releasing judgments only to have them show up the next day? Are you frustrated at being told you shouldn’t judge, worry or have doubts? Or, that you should just think positive, love and accept yourself, without any guidance for how to do these? Then this workshop is for you!

I understand this frustration because I went through it myself in the 90’s. Which is why I sought and developed the Emotional Wisdom to go beyond releasing judgments and limits, by healing the automatic patterns causing them.

It’s great that you learned to recognize your judgments are the higher truth of you, but that doesn’t heal what causes them or the subconscious conditioning that causes you to judge yourself even though you have learned to believe differently. 

In this experiential workshop you will apply the four types of acceptance to release and heal the patterns causing you to judge and journey to connect with the wisdom of your Higher Soul. The part of you that already believes on the level you want to believe  – Unconditionally!   As you apply this wisdom in your life you will find it easier to shift limiting beliefs and to sustain feelings of confidence, self-acceptance, and the freedom to be and express the uniqueness of you.


 To register:   

Early bird discount by Nove 10,: $30

 At the door (if there is room): $40