Master Healer Wisdom School

Master Healer Wisdom School develops the belief system, skills, intuition, and consciousness to facilitate energetic, shamanic, emotional, and spiritual healing for yourself and others.
These programs teach a comprehensive understanding of how to transform the six quadrants of healing. This expanded version of the mind-body-spirit paradigm of healing helps you to identify and apply the type of healing and wisdom to transform the underlying causal factors of imbalance and limitations. Thus, if the root cause is emotional you will apply emotional solutions. If the root cause is physical you do physical solutions, if it is behavioral you change the behavior, and so on.
These programs take you beyond learning techniques, skills, and higher awareness by teaching the consciousness and wisdom to apply and live it. From this place of higher awareness and wisdom, you will guide others to heal, grow, and manifest balance and positive changes emotional and in their lives on ever-expanding layers and levels.
Scroll down for a list of programs.
These programs and trainings are for you if:
- You are on a path of developing your intuitive, energetic, shamanic, spiritual, and emotional healing skills for yourself or to be of service to others.
- You are already a holistic practitioner, coach, counselor, energy worker, massage therapist, yoga teacher, or facilitating breathwork, sound healing, or somatic healing, and want to uplevel your skills.
- You want to thrive as a highly empathic and sensitive soul and stop being negatively impacted by the feelings of others.
For details on each program please click on the blue links or scroll down for more information.
Level 1 programs: Level 1 programs are available individually and both are required to be part of the collaborative marketing available.
- Integrative Energy Healing Training teaches the skills and consciousness for facilitating multiple forms of energy work, intuitive development, connecting with higher awareness, and the emotional wisdom to shift limits to heal self-judgment, co-dependency, and hyper-sensitivities.
- Unconditional Confidence and Manifestation Mastery – Develop and apply the belief system that increases confidence, self-worth, self-love and acceptance, abundance consciousness, and personal power that un-conditions yo-yo confidence. This is combined with applying the Five Laws of Creation to attain emotional, personal, and spiritual goals with greater ease and abundance.
Level 2 Modern Shamanism and Core Pattern Transformation. Pre-requisite: Integrative Energy Healing Training and Unconditoinal Confidence & Manifestation Mastery.
This second year of training combines the wisdom of level one programs with the deeper wisdom, skills, and consciousness to transform ingrained core beliefs and subconscious conditioning and facilitate soul-level and shamanic healing, elemental energy work, and sacred ceremonies.
- Core Belief Pattern Transformation: Learn the skills and consciousness for transforming core beliefs, emotional anchors, and subconscious conditioning on heartfelt levels. Understand the belief patterns producing different feelings and emotions and which higher awareness to apply to heal ingrained patterns.
- Practice Development: For graduates of one and two-year trainings I provide additional support and guidance to develop a successful practice helping others heal and grow. This includes clinic hours and collaborative marketing.
- Certification for is required to be part of collaborative marketing.
Integrative Energy Healer Training
Develop the intuitive, energetic, shamanic, and spiritual, skills to channel life force energy and connect with and sustain higher states of awareness. This is combined with how to apply emotional wisdom applications to increase confidence, inner peace, and freedom of being and transform limiting beliefs, judgments, and reactive feelings. Begins January 2023.
Unconditional Confidence
Learn to own your power unconditionally, stay centered in abundance consciousness, and apply the Five Laws of Creation to manifest emotional transformation, spiritual connections, and life goals beyond what you have created and experienced so far.
Manifestation Mastery Using the 5 Laws of Creation
Own your power and focus it to manifest beyond what you’ve created and experienced so far. If you’ve learned the Law of Attraction and abundance consciousness these are two lessons of the first law of creation. Now learn ALL five laws of creation with an emphasis on applying them to the areas of: Career/money, health, relationships, and to trust and enjoy life as you are attaining life goals. This is taught in conjunction with Unconditional Confidence.

Core Belief Pattern Transformation & Integration
Learn to apply the five stages for transforming ingrained core beliefs and subconscious conditioning that are necessary for healing trauma, anxiety, and other ingrained patterns. Learn the specific belief patterns causing different types of feelings, and apply the integrative emotional wisdom for creating lasting changes in how you experience life and respond to people and circumstances.

Modern Shaman Training
Learn to facilitate soul connections and soul-level healing, elemental energy work, sacred ceremonies, and other shamanic healing practices. This includes learning my skill of being a Gatekeeper. You will merge this with the skills learned in previous training so you can guide your clients to apply, sustain, and live this higher awareness in the modern world.

Clinic, Collaborative Marketing, Certification, and Practice Development
After graduating one or two year trainings you can see clients in our clinic to receive in-life practice, guidance to develop your practice, and collaborative marketing so that you don’t have to it all on your own.