Chakra Wisdom & Energy Tune-Up 

Wed. August 28, 6:30 to 8:30 in person 


In this experiential event I will teach how to use the eight chakras as a road map for transformational healing. I will then guide you to use color, sound, and alignment with the higher consciousness of each chakra to improve health and emotional well-being and learn the life lessons to sustain them. Next, I will take you to connect with and commune with the wisdom of your higher soul. As you lay in oneness, I will use my shamanic energy work to clear blocked energy and strengthen the flow of energy through your body.
  • Alleviate pain, stress, anxiety, and blocked energy.
  • Release limits and judgments that block creation.
  • Strengthen self-esteem, peace, joy, and confidence. 
  • Connect with higher consciousness on a heartfelt level. (Naturally)   

Chakras are energy centers that when in balance help to improve and sustain health and emotional well-being.  They are also a built-in roadmap for identifying and learning the life lessons to improve relationships and attain life goals with greater ease and abundance.  Just as you must learn basic math principles to understand algebra, or calculus, so it is with healing and personal growth.  Applying the life lessons of the 1st chakra (Owning your power, aligning with abundance consciousness) and 2nd chakra (Acceptance, compassion, and how to transform limiting beliefs and judgments) produces the foundation to learn and live the wisdom of the upper chakras. These include unconditional confidence, trust, and personal power (3rd chakra), unconditional love and self-worth (4th chakra), freedom of expression (6th chakra), intuitive wisdom (7th chakra) or consistent spiritual connection, (8th chakra).

 As you apply this wisdom it helps you to more easily identify and transform the limiting beliefs, results, feelings, and judgments that block healing and growth. Most important, they develop the belief system, emotional habits, and life skills that will create and sustain the type and level of inner and outer changes you desire.  


When:  August 28, 6:30 to 8:30 pm.

Where: 4563 Acoma Ave. San Diego CA 92117 

Bring:  Water bottle and pillow or blanket if you decide to lay down. 

To Register:  These links take paypal and credit cards. You can Venmo me: @Linda-White-94. If you Venmo me, please text me your phone and email so I can send you a reminder and information for the event.  You can contact me at 619-582-5505 or [email protected]  


Cost:  Early bird rate through 8-24:

One for $40 Register here                

Two for $70 Register here

After 8-24 the cost is

One for $50 Register here.

 Two for $80   Register here

Day of is $60 if there is room.


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