Private Healing Sessions

Private sessions provide the individualized guidance for transforming the root causes of health problems, limiting results, beliefs, and feelings.  This is combined with creating and integrating new heartfelt patterns and skills that are key for creating lasting changes. 

The following are a few examples explaining of the work I do. Words do not describe it and all I do is not listed. Thus, you might be wanting to experience an energy tune-up to clear blocked energy and connect with a higher awareness. Or, you might want guidance to improve relationships, attain life goals, or transform core belief patterns. I also work with couples and children.   

First time sessions are 1.5 hour. After that I provide a variety of options and discounts for integrative work. 


1. Energy Tune-Up, Balancing, and Soul Connection.  

Energy Tune-Up and Balancing, Integrative Energy Work, Soul Connection, and Shamanic Elemental and Sound Healing    

This type of session combines some or all of following based on what you need:

  • Own your Power Centering Process.
  • Rainbow Healing Method to release automatic judgments, stuffed emotions, and the stress and tension caused by suppression of self and from trying not to feel physical and emotional pain. Emotional Wisdom applications to shift limits and un-condition attachments and automatic patterns.
  • Advance Energy work and Shamanic Sound Healing to clear blocked energy, tension, stress, pain, and strengthen the flow of energy in the body.
  • Soul Connection to embrace and align with the part of you that lives beyond the limits of the mind and body.

It may at times include

  • Shamanic Journey: Guided or unguided process to align with the wisdom and guidance of your higher soul.  This can include Life Purpose Journeys to access future selves to find your life purpose, increase clarity, and embrace the wisdom and confidence of your future self.
  • Business and life coaching: Apply the Five Laws of Creation, communication skils, and shift beliefs to attain life goals from a consciousness of trust and confidence.

Results from clients: Decrease and in some cases completely eliminate:

  • Pain, fatigue, tension, stress, chronic health problems, adrenal fatigue, inflammations . . .
  • Digestive, hormonal, and immune issues. 
  • Anxiety, overwhelm, self-judgment, hyper-sensitivity, fuzzy brain, lack of motivation, trouble sleeping, and reactive feelings. 
  • Feeling disconnected and unmotivated. 


  • Emotional and physical balance and well-being, relaxation, circulation, and energy.
  • Inner peace, confidence, trust, feeling supported by Life, spiritual connection  and self-acceptance. 
  • Strengthen the immune, endocrine, balance brain waves and recover faster from chemo, surgery, and illness. 
  • Improve your relationship with yourself and others.


 2. Core Belief Pattern Transformation Sessions. Create lasting inner and outer changes.

If you have done years of releasing, healing, and opening to higher consciousness and still have the same old feelings and triggers coming up, then this type of session is for you. This type of sessions include all the services available in Energy Tune-up and Balancing plus the deeper work for transforming the automatic conditioning causing those feelings to keep coming up as strong as ever.

Automatic conditioning is why you can be generally confident, but feel anxious and not enough when results aren’t working, or someone is critical. Why you take things personally or feel bad when someone is upset, even though you have done nothing wrong.  They are why you can have a part that believes all is possible and another part that feels anxious and not enough.  They are why you may know it’s okay to feel your feelings and still judge them; know it is okay to express your needs, but still don’t. 

These patterns are the real reason you feel drained by others and protection techniques don’t always help. 

This comprehensive work is key for transforming ingrained patterns causing: Anxiety, overwhelm, self-doubt, apathy, people pleasing, caretaker syndrome, addictions, PTSD, Trauma responses, do-dependency, guilt, anger/resentment, feeling not enough, and suppression of feelings, needs, and self.  

These sessions include replacing these with developing and strengthening the belief patterns and emotional habits that increase peace, happiness, self-esteem, confidence, inner security, and freedom of being.      

Each session includes the following based n where you are in your healing process and what is needed.   

  • Own your true nature, power, and partnership with Life.
  • Rainbow Healing Method to apply the acceptance, emptiness, and emotional support that releases judgments and stuffed emotions. 
  • Intuitive guidance to understand why they still come up, transform the underlying patterns causing how it is, and what is needed to create the level of emotional transformation you desire. 
  • Time Line and past Life Therapy combined with Inner Child work.  I take you to where in the past you formed the conditional beliefs and attachments maintaining limits, judgments, inaction, and triggered feelings.  I guide you to consciously and emotionally release and un-condition these patterns.  
  • Energetic Release/Sound Healing:  To clear the buildup of stuffed emotions and automatic agreement with these false beliefs as well as the tension, stress, and blocked energy these produced.
  • Soul Connection, Retrieval & Healing.  Connect with, experience, and embrace the unconditional peace, love, confidence, compassion, happiness, trust, power, and freedom of your divine higher soul.  This is not a guided meditation. It is a reuniting with the part of you that lives beyond the limits of the mind and body. The part of you that sees the bigger picture of who you are and how life works and lives in unconditional peace, unity, love, confidence, and abundance. This soul-level healing takes you beyond believing in higher awareness to feeling it as your higher truth.  
  • Energy Work: As you lay in oneness with your Higher Soul I balance and strengthen your body’s energy fields, chakras, brain waves, and clear blocked energy.   
  • Integrative Emotional Wisdom: Opening and embracing higher awareness is just the beginning of living it. In ongoing sessions we continue to identify and shift limits and emotional anchors, embrace additional lost soul pieces, and to apply in daily life the wisdom that integrates lasting changes. (You can read more about this below.)   Just as consistently exercising develops stronger muscles and stamina, so it is with emotional transformation.  I call these integrative applications emotional sit-ups because each time you apply them you strengthen the pathways in the brain that determine how you feel generally and react to people and circumstances.

1.)  Un-condition automatic subconscious patterns that maintain anxiety, self-judgment, limiting beliefs, reactive feelings, people pleasing, co-dependency, unworthiness, hyper-vigilance, PTSD, and more.   Not knowing how to do this is why you still are triggered and react as you did in the past.  

2.) Strengthen belief patterns that improves emotional and physical well-being and creates new pathways in your brain that changes how you relate to yourself and emotionally respond to people and circumstances.  

  • Develop the emotional muscles, and habits that increase and sustain feelings of self-love and acceptance, self-worth and esteem, personal power and confidence, trust, compassion, and spiritual connection.
  • Transform how you relate to and communicate with yourself, and others. 
  • Thrive as a highly empathic, intuitive, and sensitive soul. 

Thus, instead of telling you to let go, don’t worry or let it bother you, or to love, accept, and believe in yourself I show you how!

    Manifestation Wisdom:  Emotional Transformation is key, and other times we need to develop the skills and consciousness attain life goals, communicate better, and present and in the flow of creation. How to own your power, develop unconditional confidence, and apply the Five Laws of Creation to manifest greater results from a consistent awareness of unconditional trust, love, and abundance.

    • Own and apply your power to create health, success, healthy relationships, and emotional transformation and well-being beyond what you have so far. 
    • Business and career coaching.
    • Improve the quality of your relationships.
    • Improve health, heal emotional eating, and addictions, and feel present in your body.
    • Clarify what you want and your purpose and clear limits to creating it.
    • Develop and sustain the level of confidence, personal power, trust, and abundance consciousness that empowers you to take action in trust and create beyond what you have learned to have so far.
    • Shift belief patterns maintaining procrastination, perfectionism, judging your process, anger, resentment, guilt, and feeling not worthy, deserving, or enough.
    • Learn to consciously surrender, and trust the flow of creation, so you can more easily learn from the process, and enjoy life as you attain life goals.

    About Linda’s Energy Work.

    There are many explanations for how energy works from the airy fairy to the scientific. In its simplest form it is the focusing of the life force energy that flows through all things. The same way you can use a magnifying glass to focus the sun’s energy to start a fire, so can a trained energy practitioner focus the energy in the body to enhance healing, restore balance, clear blockages, and strengthen the flow of energy through the body.  

    People often ask if my energy work is Reiki. The answer is yes, and a whole lot more! From the moment I began to work with this method in 1997 I combined it with my previous training for getting out of the way and let the guidance to help people shift limits and embrace higher consciousness. So when I started working with energy work this higher guidance would guide me to do and know things I had not learned. Thus, I channel and hold space for you to receive what is needed according to your highest good.  

    This allowed me to develop more advanced methods of energy work and shamanic healing and to combine with the emotional wisdom for transforming ingrained emotional patterns and creating lasting changes. Those experiencing my work would tell me I was doing the following: Pranic and Theta Healing, Psychic Surgery, Soul Retrieval, quantum healing, Neuro-emotional release, soul retrieval, and more. Since there were no names for some of the things coming through me I gave them names: Soul Connection, Elemental Energy Work, Rainbow Healing Method, and integrative emotional wisdom.

    “When Linda sings I feel tension flow out of my body and was filled with and surrounded by love.” Christine.

    Energy WisdomLearn to work with the energy of your body and emotions in between sessions to enhance and accelerate physical and emotional healing.  For those wanting to develop these skills to help others check out Integrative Energy Healer Training.


     20-Minute Initial Consult FREE
    This remote phone session. It provides an opportunity to ask questions about how what I can do can help you specifically, and to connect with me personally befor signing up for session. Many have shared that it helps them to understand why they haven’t been able to change certain patterns to the level they want, and a better understanding of what is needed to produce these. It’s also a chance to see if we are a match to work together at no cost or obligation to do anything else.

    Are you ready to get started? Contact me today to request your FREE consultation!