Energy Healing Session.

For more information on my energy work methods see Advanced Energy Healing

Integrative Energy Healing and Soul Connection.  

This type of session is focused on restoring your body to balance and health. It clears blocked energy, tension, stress, and stuffed emotions, produces a state of peace that resets the nervous system, and increases the natural flow of energy in the body.  It also alleviates the physical imbalances that contribute to anxiety, PTSD, depression, hyper-sensitivity, stress, lack of circulation, inflammation, and overwhelm. 

One of the most powerful tools for healing physically is the ancient practice of energy work . . . because you are energy! 

There are many explanations for how energy works from the airy fairy to the scientific.  In its simplest form, a trained practitioner is able to focus the life force energy present in your body and all things just as a magnifying glass can be used to focus the sun’s energy to start a fire.

When you clear, balance and strengthen the energy fields in and around the body it opens the natural flow of energy through the body. This increases circulation and the functioning of the immune system, brain, nervous system, hormonal and digestive systems which of course affects everything else.  

Energy work also affects your general emotional well-being because when your body is balanced you have more energy, strength, mental clarity, and hormonal balance, which affects your general emotional well-being.

Improvement in physical energy and emotional well-being is often mistaken for changing your beliefs for you. It would be great if that part of healing was so easy.  Which is why I combine the power of energy healing with transforming the underlying beliefs, behaviors, and conditioning that constrict energy, cause suppression of feelings, needs, and self, and limit healing, freedom of being, creation, happiness, and attaining life goals.

This type of session includes some or all of the following as needed:

  • Clear the buildup of tension, stress, stuffed emotions, and blocked energy contributing to health problems, blocking healing, and affecting your general mood.
  • Energy Balancing & Attunement (Strengthen Chakras, Chi, Bio-energy field, brain waves, NLP, etc.)
  • Soul Connection to align with the peace, love, support, and wisdom of your higher soul.
  • Reset your nervous system to peace to alleviate adrenal fatigue, PTSD,  and overwhelm.
  • Opens and strengthens the flow of energy and circulation to strengthen your body’s ability to heal and regenerate.  
  • Un-condition your body’s physical conditioning causing the expectation of pain, anxiety, and more.
  • Identify and shift limiting beliefs and judgments that cause tension, stress, and suppression of feelings that constrict the flow of energy in the body. Patterns that cause you to not feel okay to make your needs a priority, ask for and let in support comfortably, and do the type and level of actions necessary to restore health and emotional well-being. 


Reported Results:

  • Decreases pain, anxiety, depression, overwhelm, stress and tension.
  • Feeling like a wet noodle, peaceful, tingly, hopeful, positive, confident, and relaxed
  • Alleviate fatigue, digestive and immune and circulation problems,  inflammation, arthritis, panic attacks
  • Increases energy, mental clarity, general health and emotional well-being, vitality, and athletic performance.
  • Strengthens the flow of energy to increase physical energy, stamina, and general emotional well-being.
  • Increase relaxation & circulation which increases energy, mental clarity & your body’s ability to heal and regenerate itself
  • Heal adrenal fatigue which is a primary factor in the majority of health issues.
  • Feel less drained by others and calm hyper-sensitivities.
  • Healing of addictions and sexual dysfunction


Understanding the power of Energy Work

Your physical and emotional well-being are intertwined.  What you feel physical affects your general emotional well-being and what you believe consciously and subconsciously, which affects how you physically and emotionally respond to and experience the world around you.  Whether the cause is physical or emotional stress, it is one of the primary factors affecting chronic health conditions.

One of the most powerful tools for healing physically is the ancient practice of energy work . . . because you are energy!  The latest studies in neuroscience and quantum physics are now acknowledging that our thoughts affect the energy that flows through our cellular structure.

There are many explanations for how energy works from the airy fairy to the scientific.  In its simplest form, a trained practitioner is able to focus the life force energy present in your body and all things just as a magnifying glass can be used to focus the sun’s energy to start a fire.

When you clear, balance and strengthen the energy fields in and around the body it opens the natural flow of energy through the body. This increases circulation and the functioning of the immune system, brain, nervous system, hormonal and digestive systems which of course affects everything else.  Energy work also affects your general emotional well-being because when your body is balanced you have more energy, strength, mental clarity, and hormonal balance, which affects your mood.  Just as love releases endorphins so does being healthy improve general emotional well-being.

Now, this doesn’t mean that energy work alone does everything, just as doing emotional healing, chiropractic or nutrition doesn’t do everything. This is why I combine the power of energy healing with connecting you with heartfelt higher consciousness and healing the underlying beliefs, behaviors, and conditioning that constrict energy, and limit healing, freedom of being, creation, happiness, and attaining life goals.

Are you ready to get started?